Laides MUST READ: 11 Reasons You Might Miss Your Menstrual Period



Of course working out is good for you. However, when you overdo it (and possibly also restrict meals to lose weight), your body doesn’t produce enough estrogen to complete the menstrual cycle. Some women — such as ballet dancers, gymnasts and professional athletes — are at greater risk foramenorrhea (missing a period for three or more months in a row). But you don’t have to be a pro for exercise to mess with your periods. Working out excessively without taking in enough calories can cause disruptions. Some signs that you’re overdoing it include extreme or rapid weight loss; decreased physical performance; or forcing yourself to work out through injury, illness or severe weather. Slowing down a bit and, if you need to, gaining a little weight should get things back on track.


Believe it or not, switching things up — for instance, working the night shift instead of the day or vice versa, or travelling across the country — can throw off your body clock, which regulates your hormones (including those responsible for your period).Sometimes this results in a missed or delayed period, but it should return when your body gets used to the change or your schedule goes back to normal.

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