Laides MUST READ: 11 Reasons You Might Miss Your Menstrual Period



Think back to the time you should have ovulated. If you were sick, whether with a simple cold or something more serious, the stress could have put your body into that “which function is most important” phase mentioned above. So ovulation could have been delayed or didn’t happen. That means your period will also be late or nonexistent. If illness around the time of ovulation caused your skipped period, Aunt Flo’ will likely return once things are back to normal.


Your weight can affect your hypothalamus, a gland in your brain responsible for regulating various processes in the body — including your menstrual cycle. Extreme weight loss, a low caloric intake or being very underweight stresses the hypothalamus, and your body won’t release the estrogen needed to build the lining of the uterus. The same happens with eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia, which also cause estrogen levels to dip too low. On the other hand, being overweight or gaining a lot in a short amount of time can cause your body to produce too much estrogen. The overload may cause you to go for months without ovulating or cause the endometrial lining to overgrow and become unstable, resulting in heavy, irregular periods. Usually, gaining weight if you’re underweight or losing if you’re overweight should help your periods to return to normal.

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