See The Reasons Why Men Get E.rections Early In The Morning


#4 Nighttime hardness means you’re fit and healthy.
Not only are sleeping/morning boners totally normal, they may actually mean you’re in good shape. If you don’t get e.rections during sleep, it may indicate something is wrong with you.
Possible reasons for a lack of midnight woody may be due to s.exual impotence or psychological issues. On the opposite end of the spectrum, since your testosterone level reaches it’s prime in the early hours, pitching a morning tent means your health and testosterone are right on the money.
#5 It can happen…a lot.
NPT happens on average, 3–5 times in one sleep! That’s a lot of nighttime boners!
#6 Morning wood isn’t always s.exual.
While some men, who find themselves awake next to a frisky partner may put their hardness to good use, one study found that most of the men surveyed weren’t aroused, even though their pe.nis said otherwise.
These men also gave varied descriptions as to how different a morning boner feels compared to a genuine “turned-on” p.enis, citing a morning boner was more “in the way” than anything else.
#7 You can test your p.enis.
Not sure if you’re sporting nighttime action in your boxers? There’s actually a test you can do, albeit a little juvenile, that will help you figure out what your “Long John Silver” is up to while you’re off in dreamland.
To test your p.enis for boneriffic triumphs, start by wearing a loose pair of briefs. Slip your little mister through the fly of your underwear, and tape/lick to moisten and secure a row of stamps around the girth of your shaff
If you end up with a stiffy in the night, the stamps should be ripped. If not, it’s in your best interest to find out why, so call your doctor.



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