See The 8 Zones A Man Should Hit During Se X For Mind-Blowing Climax


3. Ni pples

Playing with your headlights is known to spark the same brain area that’s ignited when you masturbate, producing a similarly erotic sensation.

Light-to-medium pressure works well here, so “tell your man to suck on your nipple”, says se x and relationship expert Emily Morse. He can also activate the nipples’ temperature-discerning nerves by first circling them with ice, then lightly drizzling them with warm wax from a candle (try soy-based which has a lower melting point and is less likely to burn the skin), says Queen.

4. Cl itoris

Boasting 1,000 crowded nerve endings, it’s your most sensitive body part – so much so, you may not like immediate attention there if you haven’t been warmed up first.

Instead, get blood flowing by asking him to rub you tenderly on the thighs or the belly before zeroing in on the C-spot, says Queen.

Once you’re sufficiently turned on, medium pressure in a circular motion (using fingertips) or vibration (with a toy) at a fast speed are the best ways to fire up the clitoris, according to Cordeau’s findings.

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