Justin Trudeau Believes That Immigration Is The Key To The Successful Tech Industry


For the last few years, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, has welcomed immigrants in Canada since he was voted in. But how is it impacting Canada as a whole?

Trudeau wants to attract more talents from foreign countries

While other major countries are slowing down their immigration services and processes, Canada has increased the number of skilled immigrants coming to the country. Canada’s tech industry is growing because of investments made over the years. Canada does not want to emulate the anti-immigrant policies of other English speaking countries. In addition to the increased number of investments and startups, the Candian government has also sped up its visa system and has an unspoken policy of warm welcome to immigrants. To bring in people from all over the world is a policy that is meant to help Canada, and so far, it seems to be working. Together with investment, education, and an open door, the future of Canada and its industries look bright.

What has Canada to offer to tech-talented immigrants? 

The new leader of Canada, Justin Trudeau promised a bright future. Justin Trudeau’s main idea was to build a country around technological achievements. First, the Prime Minister of the country has something to brag about – cryptocurrencies and Artificial Intelligence. According to the latest data, Canada is one of the biggest countries when it comes to using Bitcoin for transactions.

Bitcoin was the first to test on the online gaming industry

Gambling is legal in Canada. Along the way, gambling operators were the first to allow worldwide users technological achievements. In the 21st century, Canadian gambling operators were to first offer gaming sites. After the help of the government with a good legal system, Canadian online casino with real money became a hit offering roulette, poker, and slots. Playing from home was a big advantage of the online gambling sector. When a gamer is sitting home comfortable, he wants to have everything under his control. That’s when gaming websites step in and make the environment more comfortable. Canada’s government has reacted appropriately and helped with the liberal law framework. Canada was the first to introduce the world to online gambling. 


Many years have passed and real money casinos returned with new payment options. In 2017, Canada’s government allowed business entities to use Bitcoin for transactions. That was the green light to the online gaming sector. Without hesitation, gambling operators have implemented Bitcoin into the usage. No matter where you are right now, Bitcoin gives you advantages to send international transactions in a few seconds. At the same time, fast transactions come in a secure way. Bitcoin changed many industries including iGaming. Appropriate reaction from the country’s government was the main part of Bitcoin’s success in Canada.


If we take a look at the past decisions of the Canadian government, the country has a lot to offer to talented immigrants. Canada’s success can’t be limited to only AI or crypto rush. The country’s government has done many things in favor of the fourth industrial revolution. The new industrial revolution is where everyone’s attention goes. If immigrants want to have a spot full of opportunities, then they have to choose Canada. 

Canada’s government created the “digital charter” as they believe technologies are the keys for economy growth

Canada’s tech industries are exploding as many, including the Prime Minister, believe it is because of the rising population of skilled immigrants coming into the country. To keep Canada as a viable place for visa workers, the government is creating a charter that will outline how to keep up with cryptocurrencies, financial technologies, artificial intelligence. Also, how to fight hate speech, along with preventing election interference and misinformation or fake news. As tech companies grow and more customers hand over their personal information, security must be emphasized to protect everyone and promote trust. He spoke about this topic at a major tech conference called Collision, which is held in Toronto. These types of policies are needed if Canada is to be a serious candidate for those looking to emigrate and practice their fields of education.

Why do talented immigrants choose Canada over the US?

Canada is in the process of turning itself into a country that not only allows immigrants in but embraces their presence. Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister, gave a talk at Collision, an emerging technology conference. At the conference, he said, “Access to talent comes from immigration, and it comes from training young and educating Canadians right,” The tech industries and open arms of the Candian government are so to attract both workers and entrepreneurs to work at and create startups. The Prime Minister then spoke about a policy that would fight hate speech and discrimination for all. He also hopes that Canadians welcome immigrants to the country. In addition to that, the Canadian government is working with tech companies to protect their citizen’s privacy.


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