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Be safe with the natural face creams available on

Every woman wants to have a healthy, young, and nice-looking face skin for as long as she can. All the possible and impossible skin-care products come to help her with it, but not every woman understands that sometimes she might face the unexpected consequences. So should women use face creams at all and if yes, what is the right method to do it?

Be safe with the natural face creams available on
Be safe with the natural face creams available on

Clean water with a soap is never enough when it comes to face skin care. So the answer is “Yes! Women, and men as well, need to use face creams”.

But in order to make the cream work properly there are several rules to follow.

The main thing to remember that you should cleanse your skin with some sort of scrub or gommage before applying the cream. Otherwise, the epidermises will not absorb all the nutritional cream components.

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Let’s admit that every even the most active cream should be replaced with some time. Our skin tends to get used to it, so later on you won’t see any effect. Your skin gets accustomed to the cream after half a year of its use, so it is recommended to change the cream after 4-5 years since you started using it.

Don’t overdo with the quantity of face cream. It should be no more than the size of a kidney bean. And if there are some remains of cream on your skin, soak it with a napkin.


Day Cream for Face

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The main purpose of the creams day creams is to protect your skin from the aggressive impact of the surrounding environment, pollution, to slow down the ageing processes. Right after the applying of such cream skin starts to drench, which is especially useful when you are in the placement with dry air.

As every other cream, day creams are applied on the preliminarily cleaned dry skin. You should apply the cream half an hour before the make up, so your skin has enough time to absorb it  and your make up won’t spread.

Night Cream for Face

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Night creams are usually more oily than the day creams. The main purpose of this group of creams is to provide the regeneration of the skin cells and to get the toxic elements out of your skin. Other tasks include decreasing the amount of wrinkles or to prevent their appearance at all.

The night cream one should select in accordance with the skin type. For oily skin one should use light creams containing vitamins A, C and E. they should also contain not much of zinc to prevent the appearance of inflammatory tissues and to guarantee a uniform face color.

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Day and night creams, as well as other face skin care products can be easily found and ordered on Besides, there are some special discount offers and a free of charge delivery available. No more talking – check it yourself!



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