RELATIONSHIP TIPS : What is love ? Love is …

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The word love is greatly misused and misunderstood. It is quite understandable because sometimes, it is difficult to describe.
Philosophers, psychologists and scientists have endless definitions of love. Some say it is a force of nature, a complex set of emotions, a strong desire specifically regarding sexual desires.

People give up on love because of how other people treated them. They end up terming love as ‘wicked’. Love should not be defined by peoples behavior.

Love is friendship. Love is comprise. Love is forgiveness. Love is understanding. Love is a decision. Love is strength. Love is believing. Love is fearless. Love is action. Love is selfless. Love is secure. Love is action. Love is beautiful. Love is so much.

Love is not settling for a relationship that won’t let you be yourself. Love is not forcing your feelings on anyone. Love is not beauty or wealth. Love is not one-sided. Love is not fantasy. Love is not walking away from everyone who doesn’t serve you because you expect a perfect relationship.Love is not all smooth, it has the ‘what ifs’, and ‘in spite ofs’.

People fall in love in mysterious ways. Love happens even when you are not aware. Love happens to a broken heart. Love happens at first sight. Love heals hurting hearts. Love is so much. Love is…

Love is accepting people’s habits that can be annoying and sometimes impossible to love. Love is sticking to your promise even when you have disagreements. Love is facing reality. Love is being committed to that one person. Love is making deliberate efforts to make it work even when you no longer feel a connection. Love is expecting nothing in return( unconditional love). Love ever gives, never lies and never revenges itself.

Whats your definition of love?  Let us know in the comments section



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