9 Types Of Kisses And Their Meaning


1. Peck. A teasing quick lip-on-lip contact sends a primary message, which is “I want to kiss you and — hopefully, sometime soon — make out, but it’s early and we’re not there yet, so this peck on the lips is a suggestion that there is to be much more smooching in our future.”

2. A long peck. This lasting closed-mouth kiss is chaste and restrained. It cherishes the grown-up relationships as if saying:  “We are so about to make out big-time.”

3. Woodpecker. Rapid-fire kisses. It resembles a game with the following implication: “I really like you, a lot, but I don’t want to get myself all randy right now.” It’s cute and lovely, usually exercised in public where nobody wants to see you swallow each other’s faces.

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