9 Things You Should Never Do After A Fight With Your Partner


5. Not accept an apology

Even if you are still mad or upset, if someone is genuinely asking for your forgiveness, be willing to give it. Holding it back only prolongs the problem and makes the situation worse. If you still need time to cool off let the person know, but also try to truly accept their apology.

6. Act as if nothing happened

One of the worst things you can do is to pretend that nothing happened. If something upsets you, let your significant other know so you can solve it and move on. If you don’t, you may find yourself exploding one day over something little because of everything you’ve kept locked inside. With that said, remember to pick your battles. If you are too nitpicky about every little thing, it can be exhausting and frustrating for both of you. Know when something really needs to be discussed, and when you can let something go.

7. Be stubborn

Sometimes stubbornness can last longer than anger. If you feel you are right and are not willing to see the other person’s point of view, or refuse to budge, take a step back and try to see if you are more set on being right than on resolving the problem. Don’t be stubborn just to be stubborn.


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