9 Things Ladies Do To Test If A Guy Truly Loves Her [Must Read]



The screening exercise guys undergo to win a lady’s heart is like when an eyeball go through a needle.

The thesis, vocabulary, eloquence, and wooing skills of the guy must be sharp and precise.

However the aforementioned attributes is pleasing to ladies but the first thing they do is short listing guys to pass through their rigorous screening exercise before they can say YES to one guy.

Eventually the one they say YES to, they still conduct series of test to get full assurance he is their dream man.

These test are;

Ignore his calls

Intentionally, a lady can shut down her network to the guy by ignoring his calls for a moment( not 2days neither a week, as they guy may quit). The moment I am talking about may be at most a day.

Lukewarm attitude

Also can be referred as mood swing. They show heaven for the guy today and abyss for him tomorrow. A times for no reason ladies grab their emotional nature to punishing the guy for no offence. They nag excessively at him and later show empathy by apologising.

Fail to show up on date

To test his impatience attitude after planning a day for beautiful date, she may show up very late or not show up at all. Though this is very risky but they display it especially when they have been dating him for a long time.

Observing his listening skills

Ladies are designed to talk and can talk through out the day without getting tired. Therefore, they engage their boyfriends into discussion to observe if he is listening or not.

To defend her in public

Ladies can deliberately act wayward in public to see if her guy will defend her or not. The moment he fails to perform his function, her heart may grow cold for him as time goes on.

Claim negative health status

To know the in depth of love he have for her, she claims negative health status to know if he can’t continue or not. Well, very risky and too close to call if I may say.

Supporting her dreams

Ladies want guys to be sensitive to their issue. As a result, they discuss their dreams where financial assistance is needed. They do this to send signal that he needs to support her dreams as a way of testing him.

To ignore important football matches

Imagine a guy declining important matches like El classico, derby matches ( for e.g Arsenal vs Chelsea) champion’s league final, FA cup final, etc for his girlfriend’s attention…. Too difficult to decline honestly!

Ladies are sometimes funny. To have his attention perhaps when a pressing matter arise, they tell him to ignore the match to test if he can drop his passion for them.

Request to switch off his phone during conversation

Some ladies tell their “busy body” boyfriend to switch off his mobile device due to the numerous calls he receives just to have his attention.


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