6 Dating Tips For Shy Guys & How To Overcome Your Shyness



Meeting women is a challenge for most men, but it can be especially difficult for guys who suffer from extreme shyness. After all, it’s pretty hard to meet women if you can’t even talk to them. If you find that your shyness is inhibiting your ability to communicate with women, here are some useful dating tips for shy guys:

1)      Take baby steps. You don’t have to become Mr. Outgoing overnight. Start by pushing yourself to talk to 2 or 3 random strangers every time you go out, and just become comfortable with the interactions. Your words don’t need to be deep or meaningful. They just need to get the interaction moving.

2)      Man up. Beating your shyness is a process that takes time, but you can do it, so just accept the fact that it’s going to be uncomfortable and possibly even terrifying. Accept the fear, and do it anyway! It’s the only way you’re going to grow.

3)      Improve your body language. Do you slouch when you walk? Stare at the ground? Shove your hands into your pockets? Focus on having strong, confident body language, and you will begin to feel more confident. Make sure to smile, too, because when you force yourself to behave in a specific manner, your brain then produces the appropriate chemicals, and the feelings become real.


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