5 Strong Reasons Why Post UTME Must Be Scrapped (READ)


4. Post UME destroys the JAMB score

For instance , someone who scored 280 in JAMB would have his score divided by 8 giving 35 and this will be added to half the PUME score. Another person who scored 240 would see his score transformed to 30.. only 5 marks difference. Assuming the second guy scores 70 in PUMe and the first guy scores 60, after dividing by two and adding to both Jamb scores, the two aggregate scores would be equal! The PUME now more weighted than JAMB. That’s why it is possible to “pass 220 and not enter school”.

One would expect that the PUME score is the one divided and transformed after all it is the illegal exam!

5. PUME makes it difficult for Jamb to monitor admissions

An admission body that is relegated in its own game. One would expect that at this time parents would clamour for schools to start pasting their admission lists with raw scores attached. not a case of someone with 53 given Law and another person with 65 reading Foreign languages when they both put Law as first choice.

Jamb is still a major exam that can never be replaced by the schemes of money-for-grades lecturers.

Some may argue that Jamb scores are lower than students expect. This is because of Item Response Psychometric testing method, which is why people talk about negative marking etc. This method does not aggregate all the questions gotten correct, instead questions carry different marks depending on the set difficulty and depending on how many people answer that question.

And PUME has seen schools flooded with kids without emotional intelligence and they can’t fend for themselves, they rush through and pass out and it doesn’t even seem like they went to school.

Drop your comments Nigerians.

Orginially written by:- Rexbuton on Nairaland



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