5 Dangerous Signs Your Pastor Is Fake… No 3 Is So True


According to this interesting write by Metro Uganda, many people who are being deceived by their supposedly men of God can now easily spot when things are going wrong by using these 5 indicators.

1. Pastor makes members eat grass
A certain Pastor Lesego Daniel, who is the founder and Head Pastor at Rabboni Centre Ministries, said that he was basically trying to prove that humans can be controlled by “the spirit” and they can eat anything to feed their bodies.

This clearly is a case of debasing humans to the level of ruminants. And of course some will defend the act by saying there was a time when a certain king was made to live among lower animals for about seven years.
A pastor made his congregation eat grass to prove the potency of the holy spirit

Then the question becomes how does it relate? In the Bible story, the act was a punishment, but here was a full congregation being used for a so called “spirit experiment”.

It is still a mystery how the South African pastor got to convince adult members of his church to resort to eating grass.

2. Holy ghost foot mats
The same pastor made headlines again when, in a bid to deliver members of his congregation, he used them as “holy ghost foot mats”.
Pastor walking on his members during deliverance service.

The pastor in question was practically walking on his members and one would be forced to ask, where in the Bible was such a miracle module presented?

3. Drink petrol-pineapple juice
The thought behind this action is rather simple, Jesus is said to have turned water into wine, hence this same man of God thought it wise to turn petrol into pineapple juice.

A viral video showed the clergyman praying for a bottle which, according to him, contained petrol, to be turned into pineapple juice.
He then offered it to his congregants to drink. Some of them were exclaiming how ‘sweet’ and ‘nice’ it tastes, some said it tasted like the blood while some others begged for more. The blood?

4. Human-donkeys and fake messiahs
Controversial Prophet Penuel was not satisfied with having fed his followers live snake, asking them to take off their underwear and eat them; the man of God called one of his members simply identified as ‘Thabiso’, he commanded him “by the power of God” to turn into a horse and according to the church’s Facebook update, indeed it happened.

The man of God was said to have ridden on the horse, a perfect replica of Christ’s triumphant entry. And again if your righteous mind has not been totally lost, you will want to question the rationale behind this miracle. Why continue to debase ourselves all in the name of religion?

Only recently, a church was discovered in Tanzania where the pastor’s feet must not touch the ground until he finishes his preaching. According to a Facebook user who posted it online, the able-bodied brothers in the church have to carry him on their back one after the other until the end of the service.

5. Don’t drink rat poison for healing, even if your prophet says it is okay to do so
Pastor Light Monyeki of the Grace Living Hope Ministries commanded his congregants to drink rat poison as a demonstration of the power of faith. The police are investigating the case of five chuch members’ death shortly after visitng such a deliverance session.

The Christian holy book warns that in the “end time” there will be so many fake pastors, preachers and prophets. Many of them will come well prepared to deceive, however, if Christians can just be rational a bit and think twice before leaping-in-faith, then perhaps certain issues will not rear-their-ugly heads.

Experts have said timelessly that religion is not the problem, but the people who practice these religions are. If Christians can do more of operating according to what the Bible says in conjunction with what is rational, then they won’t be swayed by just any wind of doctrine that blows by.


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