30 Fascinating New Year SMS & Poems To Send To Your Loved Ones



New Year’s is the time for life changing decisions that bring about a complete overhaul in your life. A time for resolutions and trying to take charge of things and bring about changes that you always desired requires inspiration and that’s where our Inspirational New Year SMS Messages come in.
Say goodbye to year 2014 and welcome a brand new year 2015, send happy new year SMS / text messages , new year greetings & quotes to your friends, family and loved ones. Here is a list of New Year SMS & Poems To Sends To Your loved ones

[center] 01.Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it. So never step back and always have courage to accept new challenges. Wishing you a very happy new year 2015.
02.Let’s have party because it’s New Year time. Celebrate Happy New Year 2015 with me all the night, so that we can end the year together and start the new year together.
03.May you get succeed in the year 2015 and achieve all your goals you have set.
04.New Year is the time to remember all the memories we share, all the fun things we did, all the secrets we poured out for distance is the last thing that can create a rift in our friendship.
05.May this New Year give you the courage to triumph over your vices and embrace the virtues.
06.This year lets make a promise to follow the resolutions you make more strictly and achieve what you truly desire in your life..
07.Wish You a Great, Prosperous, Blissful, Healthy, Bright, Delightful, Energetic and Extremely Happy, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015.

08.Lets gather around and celebrate the dawn of sparkling New Year. May it bring gifts of joys, good health and surprises. Best wishes.
09.May 2015 greet you with days as fragrant as roses, as colorful as rainbow, as bright as sunshine and as happy and cheerful as a lark.
10.May the year 2015 be like a blank book that is waiting your intervention to fill up its 365 pages with all the colours under the sun making it a vibrant addition to your life.
11.May the year 2015 give you the opportunity to realise your dreams, rediscover your strengths, muster your willpower and rejoice the simple pleasures that life would bring your way.
12.This new year message has nothing much to say but to request your lips to stretch a little and brighten this world with a sweet smile.
13.May the New Year give you the strength to face the challenges of life and courage to adjust the sail so as to take every situation to your stride.
14.When the New Year arrives, it brings new ideas and hopes for us to make our lives good to better and better to best. Happy New Year !
15.The New Year gives you fresh 365 days to play with – fill them up with whatever your heart desires so that you have no regrets at the end of the annual cycle.
16.My goal for 2015 is to accomplish the goals of 2014 which I should have done in 2013 because I made a promise in 2012 and planned in 2011.
17.Never regret the follies of the past as you reminisce about the year gone by. As you welcome the brand New Year you should instead learn from those follies and treat them like another feather to your cap of experience
Lighten up your surroundings with your sweet smile,And make way for happiness with your good deeds this New Year,Happy New Year!”
18.I wish that not a single tear trickles down your cheek this New Year,May you be blessed with joy and happiness all the year round.
19.In this New Year, I wish you achieve all your goals in life,And get success at every step of life, enjoy a rocking year.
20.Memorable moment r celebrated together,U r my best friend for now & forever,Make me Miss U even more this New Year,Hope this year bring Happiness for you Dear
21.What the future holds for us,depends on what we hold for the,
future. May all your days be,beautiful and bright.. Keep your,
face to the sunshine Let a series,beautiful and bright.. Keep your,of happy thoughts run through,
your mind. They will show on your face,HAPPY NEW YEAR.”

H ours of happy times with friends and family,
A abundant time for relaxation,
P prosperity,
P plenty of love when you need it the most,
Y youthful excitement at life simple pleasures,
N nights of restful slumber (you know – don’t’ worry be happy),
E everything you need,
W wishing you love and light,
Y ears and years of good health,
E enjoyment and mirth,
A angels to watch over you,
R remembrances of a happy years!.”

23.”A mother had a slender, small,
body, but a large heart – a heart so,
large that everybody’s grief and,
everybody’s joy found welcome in

25.”When you proclaim your new year Resolution,
I will be wishing you a New Year that makes,
Your Resolutions true and bring happiness to,
You Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
“Happy new year”

25.New Year is not about changing the Dates but Direction;,
It’s not about changing the Calendar but Commitment;
It’s not about changing the Actions but Attitude;
It’s not about changing the Fruit but Faith, Force and Focus!
May you Commit and Create the best New Year ever!

26.May light always be around you, hope always surround you. May your wounds fade out; heart embrace kindness, love and wisdom. May smile never leave your lips and a healthy glow stay on your cheeks. May all your desires turn true; This is my New Year Wish for you.

27.For a happy New Year, just stick to some simple and basic rules. Have faith in yourself and your abilities. Count your blessings before you cry on your misfortunes. Learn to take each day one at a time. Create opportunities for yourself for quitting is never an option. Above all accomplish all you take under your wings – never abandon without completion.

28.Life may not always give you the second chance so be grateful to God that you are alive to see another year of happiness, wealth, prosperity and joy.

29.Discover new joys, embark on new journeys and give more meaning to your life in 2015. Happy New Year 2015.

30.No matter if every sunset steels one day from our life, but every sunrise gives us one another day to hope!i wish new hopes will always be a part of your life. Happy new year.


What can be said in New Year rhymes,
That’s not been said a thousand times?
The new years come, the old years go,
We know we dream, we dream we know.
We rise up laughing with the light,
We lie down weeping with the night.
We hug the world until it stings,
We curse it then and sigh for wings.
We live, we love, we woo, we wed,
We wreathe our prides, we sheet our dead.
We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear,
And that’s the burden of a year.”Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Happy New Year to you!
May every great new day
Bring you sweet surprises–
A happiness buffet.
Happy New Year to you,
And when the new year’s done,
May the next year be even better,
Full of pleasure, joy and fun. Joanna Fuchs

Life is a book in volumes three–
The past, the present, and the yet-to-be.
The past is written and laid away,
The present we’re writing every day,
And the last and best of volumes three
Is locked from sight — God keeps the key.


At the sound of the tolling midnight bell
a brand new year will begin.
Let’s raise our hopes in a confidant toast,
to the promise it ushers in.

May your battles be few, your pleasure many,
your wishes and dreams fulfilled.
May your confidence stand in the face of loss
and give you the strength to rebuild.

May peace of heart fill all your days
may serenity grace your soul.
May tranquil moments bless your life
and keep your spirit whole.

A new year is beginning to peak through
softly beautiful and different like new falling snow,
each day unique and shaped just for you.
Your life adding something as each day does grow.
My wish for your new year is beauty
and softness with surprises thrown in for delight.
Love for each day bringing happiness to you,
making your life a scene of sparkle and shining sunlight.

Let the new year be a year of freedom from sin,
a year of service, a year of trust in God,
and it will be a happy year from first to last.
It may be the hardest year we have known,
but it will be the happiest….By J. M. Buckley ~[/center]

[center]NEW YEAR
To leave the old with a burst of song;
To recall the right and forgive the wrong;
To forget the things that bind you fast
To the vain regrets of the year that’s past;
To have the strength to let go your hold
Of the not worth while of the days grown old;
To dare go forth with a purpose true,
To the unknown task of the year that’s new;
To help your brother along the road,
To do his work and lift his load;
To add your gift to the world’s good cheer,
Is to have and to give a Happy New Year.[/center]

New Year is best enjoyed with family and friends. Spread the New Year spirit and share the joy and happiness. Hope this New Year brings to you a magical touch of various treats and pampers you with several surprise presents. Enjoy and don’t miss this opportunity of sending warm wishes to your near and dear ones. Happy New Year 2015 to everyone out there and cheers!


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