10 Categories Of People That Womanize A Lot


7. Fake Pastors in Sheep Clothing

The Bible already predicted that many fake pastors will use Jesus’ name to cast out demons and peform signs and wonders. A fake pastor will always womanize no matter what. Today, you will hear the story of a pastor bleeping the memeber of the choir and ushering unit, etc. I’m glad God has been exposing them in recent time.

8. Alhajis

They share similar characteristics with the fake pastors. Don’t be deceived by the “Alhaji” they are being called. Many of them are hypocrites in “Alhaji” clothing, they are always twising the Holy Quran giving 1,000 reasons as to why it’s right for a man to marry 100 wives provided he can take their responsibilites and love them equally(even the poor ones who can’t cater for a wife dwell in this same notion and adopt a second wife cheesy ). As a matter of fact, a man who marries more than one wife can never be a faithful man, cos his S£xual sincerity is next to nill. As a result of this, they go about chasing young ladies despite having five wives at home.

9. Policemen

Sincerity and honesty are not the watchwords of most policemen, and this affect their marital life. A larger proportion of policemen keep extra marital affairs outside. After a strenuous day at work, you will spot them at beer palour such as mama Ngozi cool spot, Mama Ijeoma beer palour squandering money on another lady.

10. Students

I used to be in this category before deliverance had its way. However, some students who can’t boast of two square meal a day, will cohabit with a lady for a whole session. They can even give their school fee to a lady they are cohabiting. This reminds me of how a cohabiting friend who was chased out of the exam hall for not paying his school/department fees. Roflwkmd.




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