“You Can’t Escape Divorce If You Marry These Types Of Ladies”


6) The Indoor Lady

The indoor ladies are only exposed to their parent house, schools attended, NYSC and church. Besides all these places, nothing else. They can only talk only on these places in their life time. Worst still, they never read papers, listen to news, No visitation of any kind and Enemies of social media. They are uninformed set of ladies. They are difficult to train. Worst still, they so much have strong conviction about the little they know. They are very difficult to beat in an argument. They are ready to enter into a blind argument with you. These people are very difficult to train. You hardly enjoy watching TV with them or accompany you to places. Her sense of judgment is next to error.

welcom to a lonely life where electronic gadgets becomes your best friend. You will prefer talking to yourself like a mad man than discussing with her. Reason why you see some men glued to their phones in the house.

7) Nollywood Fan

All their life style is built around Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo movies. They believe everything they see on their screen. They are millions miles far away from reality .They are always suspicious of all the people around them as evil. They don’t want to make friends so that what happened to Ronke Oshodioke in “campus girls” movie would not happen to them in reality.

They will give your life rules of life as if you were just born to the world. Citing relevant and irrelevant movies.

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