“You Can’t Escape Divorce If You Marry These Types Of Ladies”


4) The masculine worker.

When you visit a lady in the house and you discover she has the strength of more than a man .hmmm. You see her fetching water and balancing 50 litters of kegs of water on both hands. You see her painting her own room by herself, taking cutlass clear the surroundings, cutting trees before the Gardner resumes. She kills snakes anyhow. She walks where men can’t even dare.

It’s good for ladies to be hard working and has the ability to do various house shores but there is work for men and there are works for women. The lady that can do all… hmm.

Don’t be surprises when eventually she gets to the house and she sees nothing much to exercise her power on hmm… You may need to have some training in judo or karate.
More also, these kind of ladies will not allow anybody near your house because she believes she can do it all. When the work load is much, you are incorporated into the kitchen by force by fire.

5) The Wedding Planner.

The only thing she is excited to discuss is how the wedding day will be. She doesn’t care about home, about future together, about how to raise the kids. Those are the desperados. She will never talk of how the two of you will attend marriage seminar, single programs, discussing family situations etc.

It’s normal for ladies to think of wedding and plan towards that great day. But it’s worrisome if that is the 90% talk instead of the marriage plan.

Most ladies don’t understand that wedding is not marriage. Most ladies misbehave when they get to their husband house because they failed to prepare for it. They were cut unawares by their husband character which they might have been told at marriage seminars or read about… How would they know when they didn’t prepare? More also, they collude with family members to demand for exorbitant and outrageous bride price even when you struggle to make sure she leaves her fathers’ house

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