Dammy Krane reveals debut Album release date | Covers Tush Magazine!


Following a stellar peformance at #TheAscension themed Industry Nite on the 23rd of July, 2014, Dammy Krane has revealed the date for the release of his debut album.

Featured on the front cover of Tush Magazine, Dammy Krane sheds more light on his album due for release on the 21st of August, 2014 titled “The Enterkraner”. Dammy also speak about his career so far, his highs and lows as an artiste, his new singles and upcoming album.

To download the digital copy of the magazine pleasce click: http://goo.gl/4y4ANn

Meanwhile, the MTV sponsored, #TheAscension-themed Industry Nite, which served as the launch pad for the 960 Music Group, was a star-studded event with celebrities like Awilo Logomba, Moet Abebe of SoundCity, BOJ, Timaya, Konga, Yung L, Olisa Adibua, Julius Agwu and many more important personalities in attendance. Pucado, Ozone, Mojeed, RockSteady, Kamar Tachio, Dammy Krane and 2Face Idibia all of The 960 Music Group gave strong performances at the event.

Enjoy some pictures of the event here courtesy of Pulse.ng: http://bit.ly/1rdN5X9


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