4 Things That Happen To Your man-hood When You Get Older


The man’s se*uality changes significantly with age. Gaining and maintaining erection is usually problematic, attaining climax is challenging, and there is a decrease in sperm quality and volume when the man advances in age. These could be attributed to decline in testosterone levels.

In addition, there is a gradual decline in urinary function. Weaker bladder and enlarged prostrate could cause urinary incontinence, and there are significant changes that occur in the man-hood! These changes include:

1. man-hood Size:

The man-hood size changes as one age. This could be partly attributed to the accumulation of visceral fat as the man advances in age. One way it happens is that the fat kind of buries the man-hood!

In addition to this apparent shrinkage (which is reversible) the man-hood tends to undergo an actual (and irreversible) reduction in size. The reduction — in both length and thickness — typically isn’t dramatic but may be noticeable. This happens in two major ways:

One of the ways this could be is the slow deposition of fatty substances (plaques) inside tiny arteries in the man-hood, which impairs blood flow to the organ (A process called atherosclerosis). Another mechanism involves the gradual buildup of relatively inelastic collagen (scar tissue) within the stretchy fibrous sheath that surrounds the erection chambers, and this greatly impairs the erection.

As man-hood size changes, so do the testicles. “Starting around age 40, the testicles definitely begin to shrink.

2. Appearance:

There are two major changes. The head of the man-hood (glans man-hood) gradually loses its purplish color, the result of reduced blood flow. And there is a slow loss of pubic hair. “As testosterone wanes, the man-hood gradually reverts to its prepubertal, mostly hairless, state,”

3. Curvature:

If penile scar tissue accumulates unevenly, the man-hood can become curved. This condition, known as Peyronie’s disease, occurs most commonly in middle age, and affects about 10 percent of the population. It can cause painful erections and make intercourse difficult.

4. Sensitivity:

The man-hood becomes less sensitive over time. When this happens, getting erection and climax becomes very difficult. This can make it hard to achieve an erection and to have an climax. However, these changes may only cause moderate effect on the s*xual satisfaction of the individual.




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