Mistakes Most People Make In Their First Relationships


3. Expecting them to be available 24/7.

Just because you’re in a relationship, doesn’t mean the other person is available to you 24/7, you might be together but you should both still have your own lives. Another one of many mistakes people make in their first relationship.

4. Getting needy or clingy.

No one is in charge of your happiness, getting needy or clingy is a turn off! Putting the other person in charge of your happiness is a great way to ruin the relationship.

5. Putting your life on hold.

This is one of the mistakes people make in their first relationship that they often regret for a long time afterwards. Don’t put your life on hold; keep up your own life and your own interests. Hopefully you had a life before you were in a long-term relationship, which shouldn’t change.

6. Trying to force commitment.

Asking where ‘this is going’ or whether they want children or marriage before the other person is ready to commit can cause problems.


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