Why I haven’t lost my Vir gi nity -Adokiye



She was in the news for her controversial plea to Boko Haram to take her vir gin ity and release Chibok girls.She previously said she would only give her vir gi nity to a man who buys her mum a private jet.In a new chat with Vanguard,the 23 year old musician explained why she is still holding on

“I have a boyfriend now, But what we share is AGAPE love; no s ex kind of love. But I know I want to settle down and have kids. I heard, these days, things have changed; Menopause comes fast now! Young girls aren’t young again after all, ”“Do you know s ex hinders blessings? Do you know s ex takes your hand very far from the reach of your blessings? I know you are married and have every right to s ex but try this sometimes. It always works like magic. It’s faster than 100 million Babalawo’s power. Anyway, maybe it is okay for those who have license to have it but for me, I won’t have it until after marriage”.


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