Bukola Ajayi – Osuba


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It has been more than 5years that Bukola Ajayi Music carrier gained prominence in the Contemporary Gospel Music Industry in Nigeria,What make her unique is her voice as well as her ability to create several melodies with different Tradition& Modern Beats.

Bukola Ajayi has released One Album so far with many Singles such as Ipe,Wedding Day,Olorun Mi.

The best selling Song Of Bukola Ajayi Songs Is Ipe,.Bukola has also composed over 30 Song For Ogo Oluwa Baptist Church Choir ,Where she is the Choir  Mistress .She has performed In Social Churches In Togo,Ghana and Usa.She performs in more than half of Christian Crusades & Functions in the Country.

Download and Enjoy.

DOWNLOAD: Bukola Ajayi – Osuba 


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