6 Reasons Why You Should Not Shave Your Pubic Hair [MUST READ]


Shaving of the pubic hair to so many people, is nothing new. A few sociological theories have suggested that shaving of the pubic hair has to do with cultural trends spawned by certain hairless actors and actresses or even a misguided attempt at hygiene.


The most common body areas shaved are the underarms, legs, pubic area, eyebrows, and face for females; the face, abdomen, back, chest, groin, and legs for males.

While some people prefer wax, shaving is the most common method used for the underarms, legs, and pubic area.

Pubic shaving actually originated in ancient Egypt and Greece when prostitutes had to shave for both hygienic reasons and as a clear sign of their profession. Although female body shaving was established as the norm between 1915 and 1945, pubic hair removal did not actually gain a strong foothold until the 1980’s.

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