5 Types Of Women Who Will Only End Up Wasting Your Time



The Gold Digger

You’ve probably at one point in time or another come across these ones, especially if you’re financially buoyant. Whether or not you spend on her is up to you and that doesn’t make her a gold digger.

However, what does make her a gold digger is if after spending a lot of your resources on her, she still rebuffs your advances, doesn’t show any interest in you; but she wants you to keep taking care of her bills, taking her to places with no sign that the relationship is moving forward over time.

Spending much more on her thinking she’ll grow to like or want you is wasting your time and your hard earned money.

If she isn’t into you when you take her to the movies or a picnic in the park, make no mistakes bro, taking her to 5 star dining won’t make a difference either…talk to your legs.

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