Science Says Women Are Physically Stronger Than Men


According to this study, women are the stronger s*x because of their double-X chromosomes.


Dr. Jennifer Ashton, a medical correspondent for CBS’s The Early Show, says it’s often heard that “women are stronger when it comes to being more stoic when they’re sick,” but now there’s actual scientific proof.

“Women have two X chromosomes. Men have only one X chromosome, and then they have a Y chromosome.

The X chromosome is actually a larger chromosome. You can contain more genes on that chromosome and part of those genes activity actually, theoretically,work to bolster immune function,” said Ashton.

In the past, research has shown women, in comparison to men, live longer by five years, and they’re also “potentially less likely to develop cancer, infection, sepsis and other immune-based manifestations that relate to our X chromosome.”But despite our rockstar genes, women also run a higher risk of contracting autoimmune diseases, like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

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