Ex-EME Star, Skales Gets New Car, Visits Timaya


Nigerian rapper-cum-singer, Raoul John Njeng-Njeng better known as Skales, has stepped up his game by acquiring a new ‘toy’. This is coming few weeks after signing a record deal with Baseline Music, which Howie T is involved in.

The rapper, whose latest single, ‘Shake body,’ is currently receiving massive airplay, got himself a Ford Edge, which he took Timaya, accompanied with a bottle of drink to show his appreciation.

Recall that Timaya has acted as a mentor to Skales and it was even rumoured that Skales was about to be signed unto Timaya’s record label, Dem Mama Records.

An elated Timaya announced that, “Ma boy Skales came tru to show his new whip, Am so so happy for him and I appreciate his loyalty. By the way thanks for the bottle of DP. Bigger u I pray…#sanko dey go.”

Skales left EME Music after his contract expired and was not renewed.


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