5 Benefits Of Drinking Milk At Night


5 Benefits Of Drinking Milk At Night


Milk is said to come with all the essential nutrients required for the body and give you great energy!
While you can drink milk any time, not many know that milk has some great benefits if consumed at night before going to bed. Have a look:

1. Helps sleeps well
Having milk before bed can remarkably improve your sleep quality. Milk has tryptophan and bioactive peptides which can positively affect sleep patterns. In many cases, people who have trouble falling asleep due to stress, a glass of milk at bedtime usually does the trick in getting the much-required relaxation and 8-hour sleep.

2. Aids in weight loss
With drinking milk at night weight loss can be achieved. Drinking milk at night-time may infuse you with a feeling of fullness which can prevent you from waking up due to hunger pangs. People can successfully combat their midnight-snack urge by merely having a cup of warm milk without worrying about gaining weight. Also, milk is an essential source of protein which can help maintain blood sugar levels and ensure sufficient energy levels. Be sure to go in for the low-fat milk version of milk.

3. Builds healthy bones
Milk has high levels of vitamin D which is required by the body for absorption of calcium necessary for the formation of healthy bones. Thus, milk can support the body in healing itself and in the renewal of any depleted vitamin D content. Furthermore, vitamin D can offset the occurrence and harm caused by many diseases like osteoporosis, also called the ‘brittle bone’ ailment, heart disease and diabetes.

4. Fosters good skin
There can be numerous benefits of drinking milk at night for the skin. Regular milk intake can improve skin condition by giving it a youthful appearance. Milk has vitamin B12 which can help avert the loss of skin’s elasticity and collagen infusing it with a beautiful glow and look. Vitamin A existing in milk may endorse new cell formations and help fight different skin ailments making it radiant and flawless.

5. Provides energy
Drinking warm milk before sleeping at night can significantly impact your following day. You may wake up full of energy and revitalised. It may help you jumpstart your day on a high note and enable you to remain active and in good spirits all day long.

6. Reduces stress levels
Pouring yourself a cup of milk before bedtime can be a great technique to diminish stress. The protein, Lactium found in milk can produce a soothing influence on the body by reducing blood pressure, relaxing the muscles and lowering cortisol levels, a hormone released by the body when under stress. Lactium may affect brain receptors to help control stress and anxiety.

7. Controls cholesterol levels
Drinking low-fat or no fat milk can do wonders to lower cholesterol levels. The proteins included in milk can decrease bad cholesterol (LDL) and augment good cholesterol (HDL). Cow’s milk is full of vitamins A, D and calcium which can positively contribute to the health of your heart.

8. Improves digestion
The magical mix of honey and milk can have various desirable health benefits. One of the benefits of drinking milk with honey before bed may include the advancement of healthy digestion. Milk, when combined with honey, works as a prebiotic which may nurture the growth of good bacteria and eliminate disease-causing bad bacteria in the gut.


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