Add 1 Teaspoon of this Mixture to Your Morning Coffee and Lose Weight Fast!


The taste and comfort of a fresh cup of coffee in the morning is heavenly for many people. One of the nation’s favorite hot drinks also boasts multiple health benefits.

It’s the caffeine in the coffee that can kick-start your metabolism in the morning. Drinking it in moderation can protect against several illnesses and promote a healthy heart.

If you love your morning cup of coffee as much as me and you just happen to be trying to lose a couple of extra pounds, you’re in the right place!
With just a few simple ingredients added into your routine cup of coffee, you can accelerate your metabolism, burn more calories and melt away stubborn fat that your body just doesn’t want to budge.
All you’ll need is some organic cinnamon, some organic coconut oil, and organic honey. You can also add some cocoa if you’d like! Here’s how it works:


Cinnamon has been known for its powerful medicinal properties for centuries. It’s loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight infections and inflammation in the body. It also reduces blood sugar levels in the body to keep you feeling full longer, aiding in the weight loss process. Cinnamon is believed to increase blood sugar metabolism to break down sugar for energy, allowing less fatty acids to be stored in the body. There are two types of cinnamon: Cassia and Ceylon. Ceylon is known as “true cinnamon,” and it’s believed to be more beneficial, so stick to Ceylon!

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a fat, but it’s a healthy fat! While most fats contain long-chain fatty acids, coconut oil consists almost entirely of medium-chain fatty acids which metabolize differently. They are sent straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they are either used for energy right away or turned into ketone bodies, instead of being stored in the body as fat. Coconut oil is a natural thermogenic, so it increases both metabolism and energy expenditure, resulting in more efficient fat burning!


Yes, honey contains sugar. Usually, in order to digest sugar, the body uses stored vitamins and minerals that are essential to dissolving fats, reducing the amount of vitamins and minerals in the body. Honey actually contains nutrients, including iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and calcium, so the digestion process is balanced between the sugar and nutrients.Honey is also a good source of vitamins, including folate, niacin, riboflavin, Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. Research has shown that honey can increase levels of good cholesterol in the body, reducing stress on the heart and allowing people to lead a more active and healthy life to further promote weight loss. You’ll want to use raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized organic honey for the best results.


1 teaspoon of cinnamon
3/4 cup of coconut oil
1/2 cup of raw honey


Mix all ingredients together until you get a smooth mixture.
Store it in a cup and cover it.

To Use:

When you pour yourself a fresh cup of coffee in the morning, add 1-2 teaspoons of the prepared mix to your coffee while it’s still hot.
Stir and drink!


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