25 Year Old Man Impregnates 17 Year Old Girl In Port Harcourt. (Photos)


A story shared by Facebook user, Chika David, reveals how a 17-year-old daughter of a fish seller in Port Harcourt got reportedly pregnant for a 25-year-old man.

According to Chika, the teenager is the daughter of a fresh fish seller, who doesn’t have money to cater for the maternal care of the pregnant girl.

Chika wrote:

I know I don’t usually do this but this case is very important to me because it involves life. I came back home from workout and met my mum with our fresh fish customer crying I panicked and asked them what happened and my mum told me that the lady’s daughter is pregnant. Hmmmm. I gave the lady some time to put herself together and asked her what happened.
She said her 17 year old daughter is pregnant for a man of about 25 years old she got angry and sent the girl out of her house because she’s poor and has nothing and no one to help her , in her words ” the day i no sell fish we no dey see food chop even the man wey give her belle sef one day him no even bring groundnut make she chop, naim make me pursue her for house I no fit take care of her and the pickin, na just this morning somebody bring her come house dey beg me I no know wetin I go do” I asked her if she has registered the girl for antenatal and her response was ” we no get money to chop talk of to go hospital”


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