10 Fantastic Health Benefits Of Yam


10 Fantastic Health Benefits Of Yam

Yams (Dioscorea) are a type of tuber vegetable that originated in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. They’re often mistaken for sweet potatoes. However, yams are less sweet and more starchy.

They have a distinct brown, bark-like exterior. The flesh can be white, yellow, purple, or pink depending on the maturity of the yam.

These tubers are highly nutritious, versatile, and may benefit your health in many ways.

Here are 11 health and nutrition benefits of yams:

1. A good source of energy
Yam has a high percentage of carbohydrates which makes it a good source of energy, the presence of dietary fiber in yam aids in digestion and prevents any form of constipation as well as suppressing the side effect of weight gain and diabetes.

2. A good source of vitamin
The presence of the vitamins in yam gives it an edge over other foods that do not have it, though some of these vitamins are in little quantity, it is still beneficial to health when prepared well.

The presence of vitamin C provides the body with the necessary things needed to fight against some common diseases. Vitamin C also helps smoothens the skin and improves hair texture, due to collagen it contains.

Vitamin B-complex which is also in yam  provides the body with necessary nutrients for bodybuilding and also makes us healthy.

3. Help to build up body minerals
The intake of yam will also provide the body with minerals such as iron which aid blood formation and prevent clotting, potassium which maintains normal blood pressure, and other numerous minerals that are good for the body.

4. Very good for pregnant women
Yam is essentially good for pregnant women as it contains many nutritional elements that is good for the baby and the mother as well. It contains Folate which is absolutely necessary for the brain and the central nervous system.

Yam contains minerals such as (iron) that relieve pregnant women from early morning sickness such as nausea and vomiting as well as keeping the bones strong which is extremely important for fetus development.

5. Helps to lower blood pressure
Yam contains the highest amount of potassium nutrient alongside with folate among other food which helps to lower hypertension and modifies the blood vessel for proper blood flow so therefore it is advice that daily consumption of yam is good to the body as it controls the heart rate.

6. Helps to reduce menstrual pain for women
So much research has been proved that consumption of yam helps to prevent severe pain for women during menstruation but this is what many ladies don’t know. Yam  contains many vitamin and mineral supplements that help reduce those disorders and depression in women during menstruation.

It reduces hormonal imbalance in the female endocrine system and helps to stimulate the ovulation substance that can help boost fertility.

7. Rich in carbohydrate
Yam is highly rich in carbohydrates and contains a lot of fiber which provides energy in the body and regulation of blood glucose. The carbohydrate also helps in breaking down fatty acids and the prevention of ketosis.

8. Source of brain functioning
Experiments carried out by scientist on memory booster proves that frequent consumption yam is increases the speed of which the brain functions due to the mineral contents it contains.

9. Rich in antioxidants
The presence of vitamin C in yam which is a healthy antioxidant that helps the body to fight against infectious disease as well as killing the cancerous cell that causes free radicals in the body. It is also the best food to eat for those suffering from asthma and arthritis.

10. Balance the digestive system and bowel movement
Yam is a great food for bowel movement and digestive system balance due to the potassium and fiber content that helps with the muscle contraction in the intestine and as well helps to get rid of constipation.

11. Helps in skin diseases and respiratory problems
Yam contains a chemical compound known as Allantoin which is an active moisturizer used to


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