10 Categories Of Ladies In A Female Hostel


6) The Nerd – they are called oversyllabus or Scholastica. She goes about with books and study materials, discussing what she has covered even far beyond the lecturer, intimidating people who have not been studying. Their social life is inversely tending towards infinity. tongue

7) The Wannabe Big Girl – this one’s claim to be what they are really not, live fake lives and snubs at people. She lies about having good escapades. It’s all a sham.

8.) The Big Girl – by their decking and carriage you know them. Expensive designer clothing, TFC meals, Goat human hair, vacation trip. She is also polite and mingle when necessary. cool

9) The Absentee – this category of ladies are never around, they just breeze in and breeze out. They usually have a 1,001 other places to pass the night. Their space is unkempt because they never have time to arrange it. Some of them don’t even know the name of co-roommates. The days they are around they sleep for like 2days straight. grin

10) The Regular Girl – she is cool, calm and collected. Walks into the room, greet everyone and retires to her corner. Participates in gist when needful or invited. She lives a moderate life; you cannot easily classify her personality, but you admire her from a distance.


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