[MUST READ] The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Masturbation



1. Masturbation is a serious sin in the holy bible.
2. Masturbation makes the joystick or d**k to get weak when been used in the body of a woman.
3. Masturbation makes a joystick to develop too many vein thereby making it unattractive.
4. Masturbation causes infections in females.
5. Masturbation weaken the hormone responsible in producing sperm.
6. Masturbation makes a man moan,suffer and starve for real s*x during the period of masturbating.
7. It reduces the period of expulsion in men.
8. Masturbation weaken the womb in females thereby not enabling the womb to carry a child which leads to abortion(miscarriages most of the time).
9. It sometimes causes infertility in women.
10. It causes cancer in women.
11. Masturbation can make a woman lose her virginity.
12. It can cause sperm disability which leads to abnormal children (in fewer cases). With this points I have made,I will take it that masturbation causes harm to a human body. So masturbation should be avoided except if only to be used for medical purposes.
13. Masturbation causes extreme body odour in Men.

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