Jonathan Spent 3.6Million British Pound To Buy Armoured Vehicles For Niger Republic – EFCC



GEJ Spent 3.6Million British Pound To Buy Armoured Vehicles For Niger Republic – EFCC. The 2nd leg of the ongoing $2.1billion arms deal investigation is about to be commenced by the EFCC tomorrow.

On top of the probe agenda is how GEJ administration spent €3,654,121million to purchase security vehicles for the Republic of Niger in October 2013 and April 2014.

The cash was withdrawn from the ONSA account in two installments of €1, 401,869 and €2,252,252.25.

The commission is also seeking to verify whether or not the vehicles were bought and under what diplomatic or bilateral security cooperation.

The agency is also planning to quiz former finance minister Okonjo Iweala and other ministers in Jonathan cabinet.


  1. It is easy to accuse Madam Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala of conniving with World Bank and International Monetary Fund since she has worked with these companies at one point or the other, this is totally stupid and unfair.

  2. It is true that Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has used every means to curb corrupt practices in the financial sector, and so it is hypocritical and demeaning to conclude that she has compromised or written-off Ajaokuta Steel Company. I mean, this is a set-up!

  3. Why would someone want to pull Madam Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala down with this insinuation? There is no sabotage whatsoever as to conclude that World Bank and IMF is interested in downsizing Ajaokuta Steel Company.

  4. How can a woman charged with the responsibility of building the nation’s economy connive with international bodies who have clean records of operation to discount Ajaokuta Steel Company? This is absurd and uncalled for, it is obviously a scheme to indict our dear Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.

  5. Okonjo-Iweala has proven to be a woman of sound integrity, saying any rubbish against her only amounts to nothing.

  6. The truth is that the EFCC does not have the ‘locus’ to question Dr Okonjo-Iweala for anything called arms scandal.


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