5 Everyday Habbits That Cause Sagging BO OBS




We hate to deliver depressing news, but the fact is, some br east sag is inevitable. Having a baby, br eastfeeding, and racking up more birthdays all contribute to a loss of elasticity of collagen, the connective tissue under the skin—leaving your set more deflated than firm. Sag can also be a matter of genetics. If your mother had a droopy pair, you might be predisposed to one, too (thanks, Mom!).

Here’s the thing: Some bo ob behaviors that seem like they have nothing to do with sag can actually contribute to it—so if you avoid them, your br easts will be better off. And considering that a recent UCLA study found that br east tissue ages two to three years faster than the rest of your body, you might want to quit any habit linked to a flaccid pair—like these.

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